The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams, based at Ghent University, will be launched on-line in the near future. The database has been created thanks to a Hercules grant from the Flemish Government. Further research on book epigrams within our team, including elaboration of the DBBE, will benefit from a Ghent University GOA grant from 2015 on. Therefore, this seemed the right moment to organize a workshop. We have asked Byzantinists (philologists, palaeographers, cultural historians) to try out a test version of the database, exploring it with their own research interests in mind. They will present their observations, propose improvements, and offer suggestions for future research. The one-day workshop will be concluded with a round-table discussion. Everyone is invited to attend the workshop and to participate in the discussion. Please contact for further information and for registration.
You can find the full programme of the workshop here: ProgramWorkshopDBBE.