Welcome to Writing From the Margins, the blog of the DBBE project!
This blog sheds light on various interesting dimensions of the Byzantine book epigrams contained in our database. It is a space to discuss topics that go beyond the limits of a database record. You will find here the stories behind the transmission of some remarkable book epigrams, as well as preliminary results of in-progress research, larger-scale overviews of metrical paratexts on various subjects, and discoveries of exciting new material transmitted in beautiful manuscripts.
Whether you are acquainted with Byzantine paratexts or you have coincidently stumbled upon this blog, you will find some ideas (and pictures!) that will spark your interest.
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Book Epigrams as Ekphraseis? A Look at the Menologion of Basil II
Posted on 21/11/2022 Category: Blog, Ekphrasis, Iliad, Menologion of Basil II, Miniatures, Nicholas Mesarites, Paul the Silentiary, Progymnasmata by Brad Hostetler - Epigrams often include descriptive details about the images and things that they adorn. For example, the epigram in a menologion (Oxford, Bodleian Library, gr. th. f. 1) describes the pearls, silver, and gold that decorated the book’s cover; an epigram in a lectionary (Mount Athos, Mone Megistes Lauras Α 103… Read more Carmine finito: Some Evidence of Latin Book Epigrams
Posted on 02/09/2022 Category: Blog, Church Fathers, Colophons, Latin book epigrams, Miniatures, Western manuscripts by Renaat Meesters - Latin book epigrams can be found in numerous Western manuscripts. Just as is the case with Byzantine book epigrams, it seems that there is a lot of variation among Latin book epigrams. Some are short and formulaic, others are more refined literary compositions. Similar subgenres (scribe-, patron-, owner-, author-, reader-,… Read more The Byzantine Reader’s Experience Between Paratexts and Collections of Excerpts: Reading the Iliad
Posted on 09/06/2022 Category: Blog, Education, Excerpts, Iliad, Memory, Readership, Scholia by Ottavia Mazzon - The compilation of anthologies of excerpts, that is to say, the selection and transcription of passages deemed important while reading a text, is a common scholarly practice in Byzantium: excerpts were essential to the way Byzantine intellectuals managed information. Very often, collections of excerpts were compiled close to the moment… Read more Book Epigrams and Grammar: Verses in and on Grammar Books
Posted on 24/03/2022 Category: Blog, Education, Grammar, Scholia, Text books by Febe Schollaert - All epigrams discussed in this blog post are to be found in the Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (last consulted on 04/03/2022). I am a grammatical textbook, easy to comprehend, easy to take in, focused, plain, clear, written in good order, guiding the answers to the question. For this… Read more

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