It’s time for the last illumination in our series of miniatures from the 14th century Gospel Athos, Mone Batopediou 937! On f. 19v, three verses accompany a depiction of Pentecost: the Holy Spirit is descending, in the form of twelve blue sun beams (which represent the tongues of fire), upon the twelve Apostles.
✒️ Ἡ τῶν ἐνάρθρων ἀνθράκων ἐπομβρία
γλωσσῶν ἐν εἴδει τὸν Παράκλητον φέρει
πρὸς τοὺς θεόπτας καὶ μαθητὰς τοῦ Λόγου.
📖 Der Regen der feurigen Stimmen
bringt Parakletos in Form von Zungen
zu den Gottschauern und Jüngern des Logos.
📸 A. Rhoby, 2018, Ausgewählte Byzantinische Epigramme in Illuminierten Handschriften. Wien: 645
Pentecost is a holiday celebrated today by Christians following the Gregorian calendar, while those following the Julian calendar celebrate it next week.